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Kytherian Society Of California

Kytherian Society of California - 57th Annual Luncheon

Left: Mary Mousalimos, Joan Cominos, and Nick Cominos
Right: Andy Mousalimos

Members of the Kytherian Society enjoy a luncehon and presentation at their annual gathering on Oct. 15, 2006.

See also:

Video Conference - Calliforna & Sydney Kytherian Societies

Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos with daughters Teddi & Genie 2006

Elaine Moulos & Vikki Fraioli at annual Kytherian Luncheon

Terry Chlentzos & Georgia Pine at 57th Annual Kytherian Luncheon

George Condas receives special recognition

Dr. Tikey Zes receives Honorary Kytherian award

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