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Kytherian Association Of Australia

Leontsinis' visit to Canberra & Sydney.

Tuesday 29th November, to Thursday, 8th December, 2005.

"What does the island of Kythera produce in great abundance"?
"Paksimathya, beautiful honey, and Professors at Universities around the world"!

From an island of 2,900 inhabitants, no less than 27 Professors belong to the Omilos Kythirion Panepistimiakon - Association of Kytherian University Professors. Contrast that with any town in Australia, with the same population - say, Gilgandra in NSW. In its 165 years of existence, it has never produced a single University Professor.

Australia is priveleged to have two Kytherian Professors of great reknown, in its midst, for 7 weeks, from 18th Nov, 2005 - Jan 5, 2006.

Professors Georgios Leontsinis (Modern Hellenic History and History Didactics) and Athanasia Glykofridi-Leontsini (Philosophy), will be the visiting Professors of the Greek Centre of European Studies and Research (EKEME) of La Trobe University for the year 2005.

EKEME is part of La Trobe University's National Centre for Hellenic Studies and Research. (NCHSR)

The NCHSR was established in 1997 by the University Council of La Trobe University through the generosity of Dr. Zisis Dardalis and the commitment, vision and support of the University's Vice Chancellor Professor M. J. Osbourne. Patrons of the Centre are the President of the Hellenic Republic, the President of the Republic of Cyprus, and the former Prime Minister of Australia, the Right Hon. Malcolm Fraser. Prof. A. M. Tamis was appointed the Founding Director of the NCHSR.

The philosophy of the Centre is based on the belief that the development and maintenance of strong academic links between Metropolitan Greeks and Cypriots, and Hellenes of the Diaspora, can enhance the development of social, cultural, historical, linguistic, anthropological, scientific and other relevant understandings, bringing practical benefits and enriching the lives of Greeks and Cypriots and the societies in which they live in.

The NCHSR was the subject of a glowing report by Odyssey magazine, Sept/Oct 2005 edition, pp.52-55. Odyssey described it as the largest Hellenic Research Centre in the world, outside Greece.

Visit, http://www.latrobe.edu.au/nhc/home/home.htm, for more details.
You can also search the www.kythera-family.net website, for numerous articles.

Whilst in Melbourne, the two professors will deliver speeches at two seminars and will also give a public lecture. Most notably Athansia will deliver The Lord Mayor of Melbourne Annual Lecture, on Hellenic Culture.

On December 1, the two professors will be in Canberra for a public lecture at the National European Centre, Australian National University.

In the evening prominent businessman, Costa Tsoulias, will host a private dinner in their honour.

On Wednesday, November 30th, at 6:30pm they will attend a dinner hosted by the Kytherian Association of Canberra & Districts. The venue will be the Taverne, Hellenic Club, Canberra.

All Kytherians and Philekytherians in Canberra and Districts are encouraged and invited to attend.

Whilst in Sydney, from the 2nd Dec - 7th Dec, they will be hosted by the Faculty of Hellenic Studies of Sydney University and the Kytherian Association of Australia.

Finally, they will visit Queensland, where they will give a number of lectures, and enjoy a private holiday with their family, before they return to Melbourne in January.

Eldest daughter, Dr Elini Leontsinis is also a philosopher, employed at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.
See: http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=3-10&did=2576-1&searchResult=searchResult

Youngest daughter Maria Constandinou, affectionately called Maritina, is aged 15 and attends High School. Another Kytherian professor in the making(??)

See the separate entry about the life and achievements of George N Leontsinis.
See also: http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=3-10&cid=21&did=8124&pageflip=1

See the separate entry about the life and achievements of Athanasia Glykofridi-Leontsini.

See also: http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=3-10&cid=21&did=8491&pageflip=1

In Sydney George and Athanasia will be attending the following Kytherian functions:

Thursday 1st Dec - Private Luncheon hosted by the Kytherian Association of Australia, Sydney.

Friday 2nd Dec: 10:00am visit to Nicholson Museum, (The Ancient World), Sydney University. The Nicholson Museum is located at the southern entrance of The Quadrangle, on the Camperdown campus. Tel: (02) 9351 2812 Web: www.usyd.edu.au/nicholson/ The website contains a site map.

11:30. Visit to the Spatial Science Innovation Unit (Map Centre), 431-443, Masden bF09, Eastern Avenue. Phone: 93517667. Web: www.ssiu.org.usyd.edu.au

12:45. Visit to The Australian Archeological Institute of Athens, Sydney University. 125 Darlington Road. Web: http://www.aaia.chass.usyd.edu.au/
Everyone is invited to join at any stage of these visits.

2:00pm. Cocktails. Nicholson Museum.

Saturday 3rd Dec, 7:00pm. Attend Dinner of the Hellenic Writers and Artists Association of Australia, Inc,
Cypriot Club,
56-58 Stanmore Road
Stanmore, NSW. 2048.

Sunday 4th December 12:00 noon, Kytherian Xmas Picnic. Arthur Byrne Reserve, Maroubra. The Reserve is located between Maroubra and South Maroubra beaches.

Monday 5th December. Arrive at Macquarie University.
Visit to Faculties of Modern Greek and Classical Greek. Tour of the Museum of Ancient Cultures, focusing on the valuable collection of Greek Papurii, as well as the numismatic collection.

Hosted by Professor Elizabeth Kefallinos.

Plan to visit the National Research Project and Archives Department of Modern History, to see, In Their Own Image: Greek Australians, "curated" by Effy Alexakis, and Leonard Janiszeski, Ph: 02 9850 6886. Web: www.austhistmuseum.mq.edu.au/greek/

Museum of Ancient Cultures, Seminar room, X5B 3rd floor.

Tuesday 6th Dec, 11:00 am. Attend Frutex Private Luncheon, Kingsgrove.

Tuesday, 6th Dec, Evening Lecture by Athanasia Glykofridi-Leontsini Professor Athanasia Glykofridi-Leontsini on Modern Greek Philosophy.

Co-hosted by the Department of Modern Greek, Sydney University, and the Centre of Hellenic Literature and Poetry 'Kostis Palamas' of AHEPA.


394-396 Princes Highway


Master of Ceremonies: Professor Vrasilis Karalis. Associate Professor, Department of Modern Greek, University of Sydney.

Admission is free.

Wednesday, 7th Dec, 6:30pm, Kytherian Lecture, by George Leontsinis, Castellorizian Club,
440-444 Anzac Parade,

Admission is free.

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