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Local Author Writes Again

Photograph: Ruby Brown Feros signing copies of George: his passion, at the Byron Bay book lauch, May 20th, 2011. Rene Feros, in the foreground.

Chris Plowman's APRIL Newsletter

Page 2. Issue 173, April 2011

Ruby M Brown has been one of my customers for many years. Ruby was one of my clients when I had the pharmacy at 140 Auburn Street. In more recent times Ruby has been a keen user of Mick's ointment and cream. Following recent surgery she used Mick's ointment on her scars. Her physiotherapist commented that her scars healed better than she had ever seen. Ruby speaks very highly of the virtues of Mick's ointment, so highly in fact that when she was writing a biography about her father, she wove into her story the virtues of Mick's ointment.

This time Ruby has given us something different. She has written a biography about her father. In the 320 pages you will find a plethora of stories that encompass her life as she journeyed with her father. There are interesting facets of her life in Gunning and Goulburn including stories of historical interest in the Gunning area.

Ruby intertwines her life into her journey with that of her father. Ruby's father was responsible for collecting singled handed for the first aged care facility on the north coast of NSW Feros Care Ltd is a not-for profit organisation which provides a wide range of services which are open to all those living in Australia. Feros Care has won many awards, which makes it a credit to its founder.

Ruby wrote the story as she said it was a story that must be written. Her father came to Australia as a stow-away. Ruby has combined her writing skills in this book with those of her previous books as she included some of her fathers and mothers favourites recipes.

Incidentally Ruby is a prolific author, having written many books in the area of special diets.

Ruby told me that this book took five years to research and write. Ruby is delighted that her efforts have now come to fruition in George his Passion. If you want to know what George's passion was, you will need to buy the book. Ruby is giving all the proceeds for the book to the organisation her father set up. The organisation is now big business, but big business doesn't run the corporation, the people do. The people own Feros Care. It is a not-for-profit organisation.

If you would like a copy of Ruby's book you can contact her

Contact Ruby by email



I am sure Ruby would be delighted to arrange to get you a copy of her book and give the proceeds to the organisation her father set up.

Chris Plowmans Pharmacy
Shop 2 The Marketplace

02 4821 2260

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