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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Mike Caligeros, John Carvounnis, & Teddy Carvounnis

Looking over family photographs.

At the Kytherian Association gathering in honour of George C Poulos, held in Oakland, California, August 11, 2007 at the home of Nikos and Yvonne Yfantis

Another kythera-family.net connection...
Jim Gavrilles (Michigan, USA) had an old photograph his parents took while on a trip around the USA. They visited some people in California. Jim assumed they must be Kytherians so sent the photo to Vikki Fraioli in California, hoping she might be able to identify those in the photo. He became acquainted with Vikki through KFN.
Vikki sent the photo to 100 year old Stamatoula Chlentzos who was able to identify almost everyone in the photo.

In the photo above, Mike Caligeros was surprized to see his family members in this photograph. It was taken the day he and his cousin Tesse Sofios Stamates, were baptised. Mike is amazed to see a photograph of his nouno, whom he only saw only two times in his life.

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