Mrs Anna Perivolari, Greek language teacher, puts on a concert
See the numbered version of this photograph
The reference numbers for each person listed below, have been placed on the photograph.
The year is 1924.
The location is Kings Hall, Kings Street, Sydney.
Many of the chidren in the photograph are Kytherians, who became well established in Australian-Kytherian society in the 1940's and 1950's, and in subsequent decades.
Mrs Anna Perivolari is the "ample" woman on the far left of the stage.
My grandmother, Chrysanthi Mavromatis (nee, Aroney, wife of Emmanuel), helped organise the event. It was a source of great pride for her, all her life. She always kept this photograph in a prominent place in the house.
You can enlarge the photograph with the enlarge facility available at each entry. If you wish to see a larger version as a .pdf, which you can manipulate easier, and see more clearly - download the image here:
Despite the photograph being 88 years old (as of 2012), all but 5 of the persons have been identified.
Do you know who those 5 are?
There are also some - (6) - first names missing for persons who have been identified.
Do you know the first names for these persons?
Are you a descendant, relation, or friend of one of the 50 persons depicted in this photograph? In which case, can you shed more light on the life of those persons, and that of their descendants?
Names in 1924 Photograph
1. Mrs Anna Perivolaris
2. Mrs Artemis Lenos
3. Athena Perivolaris (Daughter of Anna)
4. Mena Bylos (Bootmaker)
5. Nick George (Arthur George’s brother, no. 38)
6. George Mavromatis (Married to Doris (Roula)...............
7. ..............(?) Sitiropoulos (sister married Kepreotis)
8. Gina Georgiouras (Sister to Koula, no 43)
9. Con Sitiropoulos
10. George Sitiropoulos
11. Magda Aroney (Sister of Con Aroney)
12. Chrisie Carydes – father was a cook in the restaurant in Wentworth Avenue
13. Con Aroney (Brother of Magda)
14. Miss ........ (?) Angelides – from Turkey (made chocolates – Puritan Chocolate Company
15. Stamatoula Aroney – died in Athens (sister to 11, 13, 21)
16. Theo Comino – ‘Queen of the Ball’ brother (now Cummins) – truck driver
17. Sophie Bylos (sister of number 4) – married Tarningis - motor mechanic at Taylor Square
18. Daphne Stratigos
19. Peter Mavromatis (Paul Mathers’ father)
20. Roula Tsambiras (Mother of dentist)
21. Arthur Aroney – died in Athens (brother to 11, 13, 15)
22. Miss ......... (?) Andronicus (coffee family)
23. Chris Mavromatis
24. Priests daughter(?) – Focas
25. Andreas Andronicus (Brother of 22)
26. Calypso Parselos. (Sister to 29, 36, 4 and 47)
27. Calomira Comino (‘Queen of the Ball’) – married Glitsos (31 year age difference)
28. Nitsa Soulos (George’s husband)
29. Miss..........Parselos (5 girls , sister, to 26, 36, 41& 47)
30. George Sitiropoulos (Brother of 9)
31. Polyxeni .............. (?)
32. Jim Mavromatis
33. 'Nellie' Helene Phacheas (nee, Cassim(atis). (Son Nick was a solicitor). 'Nellie' married Kerry Cassim in Sydney1929. Sister to No 44, 'Beatty' Kalliope Phacheas.
34. .............. .................... (?)
35. Mary Potiris (Married Jack Cassimaty, Canberra – sister was Agape, who married Manual Gerikitis. Uncle was a doctor. Did the first 2 years of High School in one year, at Marist Brothers)
36. ................. (?) Parselos sister (Sister to 26, 29, 41 & 47)
37. Sir Arthur George (Brother to Nick, no 5)
38. Poppy Samios (Married Peter Mavromatis)
39. Sir Arthur George (Brother to Nick, no 5)
40. Nick Samios (brother of 38) You degenerate member of a once famous race. Sydney Grammar School teacher.
41. Angela Parselos (Sister to 26, 29, 36 & 47. Married name was Tronza. She recorded a song – The Piper from Over the Way. Her uncle was the priest Athanagoras).
42. .................... (?)
43. Koula Aslanis (sister to no 8)
44. 'Beatty' Kalliope Phacheas. (Deanna Mcarthy’s mother). Married Theo Psaros in Sydney 1927. Sister of 33.
45. Ms......Focas (Daughter of the priest)
46. Nick Adams (Black & White milk bar owner).
47. Parselos sister to 26, 29, 36 & 41.
48. Iona Perivolaris (Daughter of Anna (1) and sister to Athena (3)).
49. .................... (?)
50. .................... (?)