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Lafcadio Hearn Files

Press article about Masaaki Noda's brilliant The Future Is Now sculpture

On the 29th March, 2102, in the City is Fukuyama, (which is near Hiroshima), adjacent to the major train station and transport interchange, Masaaki Noda's The Future is Now sculpture was dedicated and unveiled.

Lafcadio Hearn's grandson, Bon Koizumi spoke as a special guest at this unveiling.

In 2004, Masaaki Noda's stainless steel sculpture Apollo's Mirror was dedicated to the European Cultural Center, which is located in Delphi, Greece.

In 2009, a monument produced by Masaaki Noda and titled the Open Mind Of Lafcadio Hearn, by Takis Efstathiou was installed on the campus of the American College of Greece in Athens in October 2009. An art exhibition under the same title, featuring works from all over the world, was subsequently held in the ACG Art Gallery.

Then in 2010, the exhibition was held in the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum of Matsue, Japan. Once again Masaaki Noda donated a monument, which was erected this time on the shore of Lake Shinji (the original stands at ACG Athens). This sculpture commemorated the 160th Anniversary of Lafcadio Hearn's birth. This sculpture was unveiled and dedicated on Oct. 10th, 2010.

On Sept. 10, 2010, Masaaki Noda's brilliant Spirit of Mercury sculpture was unveiled in the city of Marathon, Greece. The monument commemorates the 2500th Anniversary of the Battle of Marathon.

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