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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Stamatina Chlentzos 100th Birthday - Nov. 2, 2006

&pageflipStamatoula Chlentzos (nee Mavromatis) celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends at a dinner at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Resurrection in Castro Valley, CA on Nov. 2, 2006.

Back row: Van  Argiros holding daughter Rachael, Spiro and Angela Argiros with their daughter Stephanie, Jim & Jeannie (nee Chlentzos) Argiros, Tedde Zes (nee Chlentzos), Tikey Zes, Athan Zes holding baby Alex, Christine Zes holding Evan, Annamatina Zes, and Evan Zes.

Front Row: 
Cathy Argiros, Zachary Argiros, James Argiros, Alexandra Argiros, and Stamatoula Chlentzos

Jeannie and Tedde are the daughters of Stamatoula
Jeannie's children are Van and Spiro. Tedde's children are Athan, Annamatina, and Evan.

See also:

Stamatina’s Birthday 100th Invitation

Stamatoula with daughters Jeannie and Tedde

Stamatina Chlentzos Hershey Bar

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Village Gathering 1

Village Gathering 2

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Panagiotis Chlentzos wedding records of 1826 and 1841

Genealogy of the Family Name Chlentzos

Kythera Connections

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