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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Stamatina Chlentzos Hershey Bar

Guests at Stamatina Chlentzos' 100 th birthday party were treated with a chocolate Hershey bar covered in a special wrapper commemorating her special birthday.

See also:

Stamatina Chlentzos family

Stamatina’s Birthday 100th Invitation

Stamatoula with daughters Jeannie and Tedde

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Village Gathering 1

Village Gathering 2

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Panagiotis Chlentzos wedding records of 1826 and 1841

Genealogy of the Family Name Chlentzos

Kythera Connections

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