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Kytherian Society Of California

Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos with daughters Teddi & Genie 2006

Stamatoula Chelntzos, pictured above with daughters Teddi Zes and Genie Argyris, celebrated her 100th birthday recently at the 57th Annual Kytherian Luncheon of the Kytherian Society of California, held in Castro Valley on Oct. 15, 2006. President Elaine Moulos presented Stamatoula with a plaque honoring her for a lifetime of outstanding contributions.
Stamatoula has been a member of the society since its inception. Until only recently, she prepared the "arto" for the "artoklasia" preceeding each years luncheon.

See also:

Video Conference - Calliforna & Sydney Kytherian Societies

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Village Gathering 1

Village Gathering 2

Panagiotis Chlentzos wedding records of 1826 and 1841

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