1972. Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Kytherian Association of Australia.
Descendants of the original committee - the founding fathers of the Kytherian Association of Australia - including one person still alive at the time - Mr Bill Feros.
From Left to Right:
Manolis G Casimatis (Past president)
Manolis Sklavos (Later became president)
Bill Feros (Angela Comino's Father and the only founding member, and Original Secretary.)
Manolis Cassimatis and his mother. (His father was the founding president. He later became Vice-President)
Evridiki Psaltis (Wife of John, who was a foundation member)
Mrs Betty Stamel. (Her father Nick Psaltis was also foundation member)
Mrs Theodora Margetis. (Husband Bretos was a founding member.)
Aspacia Sophios (Her husband was on later Kytherian Association Committe's. Alec Sophios’ mother).
Peter Aroney (President for many years)
Angela Alfred (Alfieris)