1972 – on the occasion of the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE Kytherian Association of Australia.
With the help of former Presiident of the Kytherian Association of Australia, John Prineas, and and Vassi Uhrweiss (nee, Margetis) – we can now determine that the photo attached was taken in 1972 – on the occasion of the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE Kytherian Association of Australia.
It was taken on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary Kytherian Ball.
The photograph features committee members / wives / descendants of the original committee - the founding fathers of the Kytherian Association of Australia - including one founding father - still alive at the time - Mr Bill Feros.
A sophisticated booklet was produced to commemorate the 50th Anniversary / all – copies of which can be found in the KAA Library.
From Left to Right:
Manolis G Casimatis (Past president)
Manolis Sklavos (Later became president)
Bill Feros (Angela Comino's Father and the only founding member, and Original Secretary.)
Manolis Cassimatis and his mother. (His father was the founding president. He later became Vice-President)
Evridiki Psaltis (Wife of John, who was a foundation member)
Mrs Betty Stamel. (Her father Nick Psaltis was also foundation member)
Mrs Theodora Margetis. (Husband Bretos was a founding member.)
Aspacia Sophios (Her husband was on a later Kytherian Association Committee’s. Alec Sophios’ mother, and sister to Theodora Margetis, (nee Lianos)).
Peter Aroney (President for many years)
Angela Alfred (Alfieris)