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Peter Tsicalas

Andronicos Bros of Lismore

Lismore ~1908.
L to R: Stan, David and Con Andronicos, the sons of Fr Theo Andronicos of Kousounari. They were in partnership with their brother-in-law, Peter Emmanuel Comino (Gialdelis), in the Olympia Cafe, Lismore, 1910-1915.
David established an Andronicos Bros branch at Tenterfield in 1906, while Charles, the youngest brother, established the main branch at Muswellbrook in 1908. David sold to Cordatos Bros ~1914 and spent a year Lismore until selling out to Notaras & Flaskas and joining Charlie at Muswellbrook.
Con and Stan returned separately to Kythera prewar but came back post war to join David and Charlie at Muswellbrook. Con married Stamatia Michalakaki (Tsicalas) 1912 Potamos.
The brothers finally sold their Niagara Cafe at Muswellbrook to Con Coroneos 1926/27 and went their separate ways.

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