Aroneys of Murwillumbah
Murwillumbah 1910.
L to R: Peter, Jim and Jack Cosma Aroney (Theodoropoulos) with cousin Anthi Minucoe. Anthi married Tony Manuel Theodorakakis (Cordatos) at Casino in 1916 in the first Greek Orthodox wedding on the North Coast of NSW.
The 3 brothers landed Christmas Day 1899, but Peter and Jim returned to Kythera ~1904. Jim returned 1906 and he and Jack then moved to Murwillumbah to work for Samio & Andronico, subsequently buying the businesses (2 cafes: The Tweed River Oyster Saloon and The Olympic Cafe.)
Peter came back 1908 and went to Maryborough with Jim ~1915, but returned to Kythera with him 1916.
Jack became main face of Murbah business until selling to Nick Antonios Koukoulis 1921.