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James Prineas

Brettes Haniotis and two sons

Here's my great grandfather Brettos Haniotis with two of his three sons: Panayoti (Peter) and Theodorakis (Akis). Taken sometime around 1920.


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Vicky Haniotis
on 15.04.2020

Hi James, Its Vicky Haniotis here...for the first time![In this spot that is] Im thrilled. Been having a re-read of dad's book and figure this picture would have been taken around 1926/27 since Akis was born 16 March,1925. Dad was born in 1911. Its funny cos during this time of COVID-19 ,I opened dad's book on a page where he speaks about the 1918 Spanish flu and impact it had on, not only himself, but his pregnant mother. So,there ya go....not that anyone would be coming here after your 4 year old entry. Not even you,James. X

James Victor Prineas
on 15.04.2020

Hey Vicky, thanks for the update! Your dad's memories must be on this site somewhere too. Can you find the Spanish Flu reference and send me a picture of it and I'll try to find it. thanks Cuz! James