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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Chlentzos - Alfieris family Easter Picnic 1914

This photo was taken at an Easter picnic in Oakland, California in 1914. Pictured is Yiannis Alfieris (1883-1966), squatting in front with the thick mustache. To his right is Vasilis Diamandis Chlentzos (1905-1967) and Diamandis (David) Panayiotis Chlentzos (1905 - ? ). Behind Yiannis Alfieris is his wife Maria Chlentzos Alfieris (1882-1968). In front of her is their daughter Alice (1910-1965). To the right of Maria is her brother Panayiotis Chlentzos (1880-1961). The couple on the far right is Yanoula Koulentianos Chlentzos (1886-1984) and Diamandis Chlentzos (1874-1969) with their sons Harry (1908-2001), Angelo (1911-2003) and Pete (1909-2006). The smaller girl toward the front holding flowers is Lula Alfieris (1907-1989). Behind her is Angelo Chlentzos (1880-1961). To the left of Maria Chlentzos Alfieris is Vasiliki Chlentzos Xidis (1878-1976) and to her left is her husband Dimitris Xidis (1887 - ? ) holding their first born son George Dimitris Xidis (1912-1997). The boy in front on the far left is Gus Alfieris (1905-1977).

In June 2013 another person in this photo was identified by Megan Pearse. Her great grandfather Dimitrios Simos, is the man in front reaching toward the lamb wearing a vest and tie.

See also:

Kythera Connections

Alfieris Family in California 2002

Alfieris Family in California 1955

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