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Terry Chlentzos

Chlentzos visit to Kythera, 1955

Yanoula Chlentzos (marked) and her sister-in-law and brother-in-law Mary Chlentzos Alfieris and John Alfieris are shown in Diakofti in 1955, returning to Kythera for the first time since they emigrated in 1907.

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James Gavriles
on 18.05.2011

In the first seated row,on the right,wearing a white shirt and white shoes,with his wife seated next to him is from Detroit visiting Kythera in 1955 , Polychronos Galakatos,known in Detroit as Paul Peterson.

James Gavriles
on 18.05.2011

In the first seated row,on the right,wearing a white shirt and white shoes,with his wife seated next to him is from Detroit visiting Kythera in 1955 , Polychronos Galakatos,known in Detroit as Paul Peterson.

James Gavriles
on 18.05.2011

Mrs Galakatos first name was Despina, but I don't know her maiden name??

Antony Zaglas
on 12.11.2016

The date the photo was taken may be earlier than 1955. The man in the third row from the front sixth from the left in the dark jacket and open white shirt is my Father Kosmas Antoniou Zaglanikis(was in Greece from 1950 to 1962).