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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Christoforianika women in costume

From the archives of Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos.

Left to right: unknown woman, Sevasti ?, Lefkothea Mavromatis, and Irini Trifilis,

Help with identification would be appreciated.

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1 Comment

Shirley Jenkins
on 08.02.2007

Vikki, The first woman on the left is Sevasti Georgopoulos (not sure on the spelling of the surname) who went to Africa & has since died. The next woman is Georgia (Mavromatis) Delakovia (Deceased - Stamatoula's sister from Hayward). The next lady is Lefcothea (Mavromatis) Mottee (Stamatoula & Georgia's sister). The last lady is Irini (Coolentianos) Trifilis (My mother's sister). Shirley Jenkins