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Kytherian Adventures

Crossing the Ice wins 3 awards at the Banff Mountain Film Festival 2012

Photograph: Greg Quail of Quail Television (producer) and Jonesy (producer/director). Image courtesy of The Banff Centre.

We are absolutely stoked (and humbled) to announce that our documentary Crossing the Ice has won 3 awards at the Banff Mountain Film Festival 2012; the Adventure & Exploration category, the People’s Choice and the GRAND PRIZE!!

The Banff Mountain Film Festival is the most prestigious global outdoor film festival in the world. We have grown up being inspired and blown away by past films that have won the festival and have always had a distant dream that we could one day just enter a film in this festival. To win, is the realisation of a dream beyond our imagination. In 2010, our documentary 62 Days at Sea was a category winner.

Capturing our 89 day journey in Antarctica on film was one of our major personal goals when we were down south. We passionately love sharing our expeditions with the public. With no film crew, limited time (every moment we were filming and not hauling was reducing our chances of success in Antarctica) and filming in the cold was an absolute mission to say the least! Some days we really questioned whether it was worth but now we reflect on the footage and are super proud of what we shot.

A massive thank you to all involved in putting the documentary together. Although we’d like to thank everybody involved, we’d like to make special mention to Greg Quail: for believing in us, Dougie for pulling the story out of the footage… and of course Aleks Gamme for not only sharing his footage for our doco, but for being such an integral part of the story. Thank you.

What a great end to 2012!

Cas and Jonesy


Cas, of course, is Kytherian, James Castrission

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