ECCD Director Christodoulis Yiallouridis, Massaaki Noda, and Takis Efstathiou at the Dedication
to the European Cultural Center, of Noda's Apollo's Mirror. The ECCD is located in Delphi, Greece.
Massaaki Noda is one of Japan's most prominent artists. His sculptures, in particular are superior.
Through his freindship with Hearn Society, Athens, President, Takis Efsathiou, Noda has developed a profound interest in both Hellenism, and the life and psychography of Lafcadio Hearn.
In 2004, Masaaki Noda's stainless steel sculpture Apollo's Mirror was dedicated to the European Cultural Center, which is located in Delphi, Greece.
In 2009, a monument produced by Masaaki Noda and titled the Open Mind Of Lafcadio Hearn, by Takis Efstathiou was installed on the campus of the American College of Greece in Athens in October 2009. An art exhibition under the same title, featuring works from all over the world, was subsequently held in the ACG Art Gallery.
Then in 2010, the exhibition was held in the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum of Matsue, Japan. Once again Masaaki Noda donated a monument, which was erected this time on the shore of Lake Shinji (the original stands at ACG Athens). This sculpture commemorated the 160th Anniversary of Lafcadio Hearn's birth. This sculpture was unveiled and dedicated on Oct. 10th, 2010.
On Sept. 10, 2010, Masaaki Noda's brilliant Spirit of Mercury sculpture was unveiled in the city of Marathon, Greece. The monument commemorates the 2500th Anniversary of the Battle of Marathon.
On the 29th March, 2102, the City is Fukuyama, Hiroshima, adjacent to the major train station and transport interchange, Masaaki Noda's The Future is Now sculpture was dedicated and unveiled. Lafcadio Hearn's grandson, Bon Koizumi spoke as a special guest at this unveiling.
A thought: wouldn't it be great if Kythera, an island so bereft of great public sculpture, might benefit from the connection between Lafcadio Hearn, Takis Efstathiou, and great sculptors of world reknown like Masaaki Noda?
The Airborne Gesture: Masaaki Noda’s Sublime
In Masaaki Noda’s work the aerodynamic and the grand expressionist gesture converge: two of the basic principles of modernism become one, to new sublime effect. Both began their long careers at the beginning of the twentieth century, the former in the aerodynamic phase of Malevich’s Suprematism and in Delaunay’s cosmic disks, to cite two famous examples, and the later with Kandinsky’s Abstract Expressionism.
Aerodynamics deals with the movement of objects in the atmosphere – they can be streamlined so as to reduce wind drag, making from fore efficient movement – while the expressionist gesture resonated with instuinctive energy. Aerodynamics aims at greater and greater refinement, gesturalism aims at greater and greater impulsiveness. The triumph of Noda’s forms, whether in two or three dimensions, is that they seem simultaneously efficient and impulsive – outwardly swift and inwardly driven. They seem to pare pure form down to a necessary minimum, and to concentrate expressive power in a singular movement. They are at once sweeping and balanced. Most crucially, they convey a sense of cosmic movement – the dynamic of the infinite, as it was, suggestive of spiritual aspiration.
Indeed, Rising to the Firmament, 1997, a rare instance of modernist stained glass, and Perpetual Flight II Beyond Time and Space, 2000, are brilliant embodiments of the abstract sublime. To me they are the climactic works of the last decade – masterpieces conveying, with consummate skill, the experience of transcendence that is the implicit the theme of Noda’s work. It is as though Noda’s tow dimensional work was a rehearsal – a kind of limbering up – for the flight of transcendence realized with breathtaking precision, in both color and line, in these two works.
Perpetual Flight II is a particular triumph, for it ingeniously fuses centripetal and centrifugal movement, which have been longstanding concerns of Noda, as the Centripetal Evolution series, 1992 and the centrifugal Fluid series, 1996 indicate. This work, like so many others – for example, the marvelous Seeker and Interplay, both 1999 – seems like a Brancusi bird unfolded – playfully unpacked, as it were, so that it spreads through space as though in abstract flight. Like Brancusi’s birds, Noda’s vital sculptures, which have an uncanny creatureliness, are inherently abstract, suggesting that reality can be analyzed into an idea that is independent of it – the idea of movement, for example – which, nonetheless, seems to distill its essence. Noda’s work embodies the concept of movement as though it was a autonomous truth, even as it is emblematic of the movement of nature, which is invariable cosmic, however earthbound it seems.
Some of Noda’s sculptures are freestanding, and some are on pedestals. The latter have an uncanny resemblance to plant life – green color of the brass of Orbit and Momentary brief, both 1999 - reinforces the illusion. In contrast, the former have a peculiarly animal presence, and in fact seem on the prowl, surging through space in search of obstacles, to overcome. Flowage II, Riptide, and Notion, all 1999 are self-contained-indeed, self-entangled, like Gordian knots – yet move forward with irresistible force. They may look wild, but there is a purposive thrust to them. All of Nada’s works in fact involves purposive design and free flow, fused to suggest heroic determination and the timeless Tao.
Donald Kuspit
Professor of Art History and Philosophy,
Stony Brook State University New York
Masaaki Noda - Background
Born, Hiroshima, Japan
Left Japan for New York, NY,
United States of America
Osaka University of Arts, Japan
The Arts Students League of New York (Elizabeth Carstairs
Osaka Mayor Prize – The 26th Exhibition of Modern Art, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Fukulka, (Municipal Museums).
The Carl J. Blenner Prize – 78th Annual Exhibition, New Haven Paint and Clay Club, CT.
Purchase Award – 31st Boston Printmakers Annual Exhibition, MA.
Purchase Award – Charlotte Printmakers 4th Annual Eastern States Print Exhibition, NC.
Purchase Award – 3rd Annual Alabama Works on Paper Exhibition
Traveling Show – The Kennedy-Douglas Center for the Arts in Florance, Alabama;
Columbus College, Georgia; The Alabama School of Fine Arts, Birmingham; University of North Georgia, Dahlonega; Atmore Council of Fine Arts, Atmore;
Auburn University in Montgomery.
Fourth Prize – The 9th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, Atlanta Playhouse Theatre & Georgia Tech Student Center Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Purchase Award – The Active Members Exhibition, New Haven Paint & Clay Club, CT.
Honorable Mention Award – 11th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, GA.
Second Prize – Carrier Art Festival, (Organized by Carrier Foundation Auxiliary) Gymnasium, NJ.
Second Prize – 10th Annual International Miniature Art Show, Minature Art Society of Florida, Inc. FL.
Second Prize – 9th Annual American National Miniature Show, Laramie Art Guild, WY.
Stella Drabkin Memorial Award – 40th American Color Print Society Exhibition, Abington Art Center, PA.
Third Award – 85th Annual Watercolor Exhibition, The National Art Club, New York, NY
Purchase Award – 12th International Dogwood Festival Art Show GA.
Honorable Mention Award – 7th Annual International Show, Montana Miniature Art Society, Castle, MT.
Migration, ’85 Traveling Exhibit.
Third Award – The 15th National Small Painting Show, New Mexico Art League, NM.
Purchase Award – Heart of America National Small Painting Show, New Mexico Art League, NM.
Honorable Mention Award – 13th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, GA.
First Award – First Annual International Miniature Art Show, Georgia Miniature Art Society, Atlanta, GA.
First Award – 16th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, GA.
Second Award – 11th Annual International Show, Montana Miniature Art Society, Castile Gallery, MT.
Honorable Mention Award – 1989 National Art Show, North Valley Art League, CA.
Third Prize – International Competition, the IWA Foundation, Czechoslovakia
The John Taylor Arms Memorial Award – Audubon Artist 57th Annual Exhibit, New York.
Purchase Award – Society of American Graphic Artists 68th National Members Exhibition, Stephen Gang Gallery, New York, NY.
Solo Exhibition
Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka, Japan
Miyazaki Gallery, Osaka
Hanga Gallery, Kyoto
Shinanobashi Gallery
Miyazaki Gallery
Shinanobashi Gallery
Shinanobashi Gallery
Gallery Le Coin, Osaka
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Inc., New York, NY
Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Kew Gallery, New York, NY
Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Belle Arts Gallery, Nyack, NY
Gallery Downtown, Fort Worth, TX
Belle Arts Gallery, Nyack, NY
Yoh Art Gallery, Osaka
Gallery Hiro, Tokyo
Osaka Contemporary Art Center, Osaka
Yoh Art Gallery, Osaka
Gallery Access Act, Kyoto
Modern Art, Hiroshima
Gallery Le Coin, Osaka
Gilbert Luber Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Wenniger Graphics, Boston, MA
Wenniger Graphics, Provincetown, MA
Gilbert Luber Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Artist Gallery, New York, NY
Seton Hall University Art Gallery, NJ
Gallery Hiro, Tokyo
Garando Gallery, Nagoya
Yoh Art Gallery, Osaka
Hiro Chikashige Gallery, Okayama
Suzukawa Gallery, Hiroshima
Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima
Tennaya Bijutsu Gallery, Fukuyama, Hiroshima
Gallery Seijyo, Sendai
Gallery APA, Nagoya
SPF USA, Gallery and Library, Inc., Washington, DC
Galerie Les Cyclades, Antebes, France
John Callahan Gallery, Boston, MA
Gallery Hiro, Izu Kogen
70th Art Gallery, New York, NY
Galelry Hiro, Tokyo
Gallery Fine Art, Osaka
Tennaya Bijutsu Gallery, Fukuyama, Hiroshima
Suzukawa Gallery, Hiroshima
Bougainvlia Gallery, Greece
Art Com Gallery, Osaka
Art Com Gallery, Osaka
Other Shows:
International Aerial Art Orchestration, (Sky Sculpture), Organized by the Rainbow Art Foundation, The Sheep Meadow, Central Park, New York, NY.
Two pieces of 8 by 20 feet stained glass permanently installed Keihan railroad at Uji Station in Kyoto, Japan. Two stained glass works, on the first and second floor at Uji Station. The works were completed August 4, 1997. First floor title Coming And Going, and Vicissitude Second floor title, Rising to the Firmament.
Sculpture Monument installed at Shinichi in Hiroshima. 20x10x10 feet Stainless Steel and White Granite Stone Base. The works was completed May 19, 2000. Title Perpetual Flight II Beyond Time and Space.
Sculpture Monument Installed At Tode high School, Hiroshima 15x7x7 feet.
Sculpture Monument a t Hirano Hiroshima, 10x4x4 feet.
Professional Memberships:
Society of American Graphic Artists: Council (New York, NY)
Audubon Artist: Director (New York, NY)
Boston Printmakers Association (Boston, MA)
The Print Club of Albany (Albany, NY)
The Graphic Arts Council of New York (New York, NY)
Other Exhibitions
Three Man Show, Yatsui Gallery, Osaka, Japan.
Paper Plan Exhibition, Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka.
Print Art Festival, Miyazaki Gallery, Osaka.
All Osaka Print Exhibition, Miyazaki Gallery, Osaka.
Ge Exhibition, Osaka Municipal Gallery.
The Exhibition of Silk Screen Print, Fine Art Gallery, Osaka.
Contemporary Print Art Exhibition, Osaka Municipal Gallery.
Art Now (Organized by Hyogo Modern Art Museum), Kobe, Japan.
Battle Royal Art Show, Osaka Municipal Gallery.
Kansai Exhibition of Modern Art, Nakanoshima Gallery, Osaka.
3rd Kansai Exhibition of Modern Art, Hyogo Modern Art Museum, Kobe.
Contemporary Print Art Exhibition, Osaka Municipal Gallery.
Image of the City Exhibition, Kan Gallery, Kyoto.
The 13th Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan (Organized by Mainichi Press), Tokyo, Kyoto, (Municipal Museum)
Opening Exhibition, The Flax Gallery, New York, NY-Print Exhibition, Art Student League of New York at the Diamond Art Gallery, Michigan.
11th Annual Juried Graphics Exhibition, Princeton Art Association, NJ.
2nd Annual Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC.
The Print Show, Art Students League, New York, NY.
7th International Miniature Print Competition & Exhibition, Pratt Graphic Center, New York, NY, Traveling Exhibition Itinerary ’79 – ’81
3rd Annual Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC.
21st Annual Exhibition of Print and Drawing, Oklahoma
Art for Collectors, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, MI.
The Miniature Show, Ginn Gallery MA.
Contemporary Japanese Prints, Azuma Gallery, New York, NY
“Japan Today,” Contemporary Japanese Art Exhibition, World Trade Center, New York, NY.
Multiple ’80, National Juried Exhibition, New Orleans, LA.
Mini International Print Biennial, Miami, FL.
13th National Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC.
21st Annual Exhibition of Print and Drawing, Oklahoma.
Art for Public Places, Sagnaw Art Museum, Mott Community College, Miriam Perlman Gallery, Flint, MI
Art for Collectors, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, MI
The Miniature Show, Ginn Gallery, MA.
Contemporary Japanese Prints, Azuma Gallery, New York, NY
“Japan Today,” Contemporary Japanese Art Exhibition, World Trade Center, New York, NY
Multiple ’80, National Juried Exhibition, New Orleans, LA.
Mini International Print Biennial, Miami, FL.
13th National Print Exhibition, The Silvemine Guild of Artists, Inc., CT.
15th National Print Exhibition, Potsdam Print, State University College, NY.
7th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, Atlanta, GA.
6th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, Frenchen, West Germany.
The Fine Arts Print Works, California State University, Chico, CA.
Wesleyan International Exhibition of Prints & Drawings, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA; The University of Mississippi, MS; Lexington, KT: Murray State University, Murray.
1st International Miniature Prints Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea.
6th Independent Exhibition of Prints in Kanagawa (Organized by Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery, The Press of Kanagawa), Yokohama, Japan.
56th Annual International Competition at the Print Club, Philadelphia, PA; Cherry Hill, NJ.
Paper as a Surface, Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Original Print Show, International Art Contact Gallery New York, NY; Other Exhibitions (cont.):
Printmakers – New Offering, Community Gallery New York, NY
Boston Printmakers 33rd National Exhibition of the American Color Print Society, Philadelphia Art Alliance, PA.
V Biennial International de Art Valparaiso, Chile.
57th Annual International Competition at Print Club, Philadelphia, PA.
The Gallery of the University of Delaware, Newark, NJ.
Two Person Show, Bell Arts Gallery, Nyack, NY.
24th Annual Exhibition of Paint & Drawing, Oklahoma
81st Annual Art Exhibition, the New Haven Paint & Clay Club, CT.
Annual Competitive Graphics Exhibition 1982, Tempo Gallery, WI.
1st Annual Artlink National Print Competition, Fort Wayne, IN.
It Can't Be Done on Canvas (Organized by Miriam Perlman Gallery), An exhibit in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the University of Michigan – Flint.
Contemporary Japances Garphic Art Galerie Autonom, Berlin, Germany.
Why the Print is an Original Childrens Museum, Minneapolis, MN.
47th Annual National Art Exhibition, Cooperstown, NY.
The 4th Annual International Art Exposition, New York Coliseum, NY.
Color in Motion, Wenniger Graphics, Boston, MA.
59th SAGA National Print Exhibition, The Cooper Union, New York, NY.
Rockford International Biennial ’83, Rockford College, IL.
Cabo Frio International Print Biennial, Brazil.
Annual Competitive Graphics Exhibition, Tempo Gallery, WI.
Three Person Show, Gallery 500, Elikin Park, PA.
14th Annual Print Exhibition, Silvermine Guild Center for Art, CT.
The 8th University of Dallas National Invitational (Organized by the University of Dallas, TX), Traveling, Show, 1984 – Lamar University, Beaumont: Angelo State College, San Angelo; Lufkin Historical Society, Lufkin; Midwestern State University, Wichita Fall; Brown-Lupton Gallery, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth; Warehouse Center of Living Arts, Corsicana; Texas A & I University, Kingsville.
11th Annual Show, “Big 7 Small,” Terrain Gallery, New York, NY
Group Show, Galerie Autonom, Berlin, Germany.
8th Annual Small Work Show, 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York University New York, NY
Aubudon Artists 42nd Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, New Yrok, NY.
83rd Annual Art Exhibition, The New Haven Paint & Clay Club, CT.
10th International Print Biennial, Cracow, Katowice, Poland.
49th Annual Art Exhibition, Cooperstown Art Association, NY.
Ge Kyoto Exhibition (Organized by Kyoto Museum), Kyoto, Japan.
The G.A.L. 15th Annual Fine Arts Competition, Greensboro Artist League, NC.
6th Annual Exhibition Pennsylvania Society of Watercolor Painters, Shippensberg University Huber Art Center, PA.
The New Haven Paint & Clay Club Members’ Show, CT.
4th Mini Print International de Cadeques, Taller Galeri Fort, Barcelona, Cadaques. Cate Lonia, Spain.
Invitational Holiday Gift Show, Abington Art Center, PA.
Juried Show ’85, Summit Art Center, NJ
6th Annual Invitational Print Show, Artist Signature Gallery, CT.
Group Show at Civilization (organized by the 5 & Dime), New York, NY.
4th Annual Print National, Payne Gallery at Moravin College, PA. Other Exhibitions.
15th Annual International Exhibit, Louisiana Watercolor Society’s International Trade Mart, New Orleans, LA.
Audobon Artists 43rd Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, New York, NY.
4th International Exhibition, “Small Forms of Graphic Art, Poland Lodz ’85,” Gallery of Art Exhibition, Buesu, Poland.
The Biggest Little Art Show in Florida, Siesta Key Gallery, Florida.
Ybor National Print Competition, Ybor City of Commerce, Florida.
16th International Biennial of Graphic Art in Ljubljana, Museum of Modern Art, Yugoslavia
1985 International Exhibition, San Diego Watercolor Society, Grossmont College Art Gallery, CA.
Septemebr Competition, Alexandria Museum, LA.
Il Cabo Frio International Print Biennial, Brazil.
7th Annual Exhibition, Pennsylvania Society of Watercolor Painters, The Shardin Art Gallery of Kuztown University, PA.
86th Annual Open Watercolor Exhibition, The National Art Club, New York, NY.
Group Show, Watanabe Gallery, Hiroshima, Japan.
The Rivington School, No Se No, New York, NY.
2nd International Biennial Print Exhibit: 1985 Roc, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan.
Paperart – An Open International Exhibition of Work on Paper, the PAPERART Documentation Center, Bahia, Brazil.
16th Annual International Exhibit, Louisianna Watercolor Society’s, LA.
11th International Print Biennial, Cracow, Katowice, Poland.
The 8th International Art Exposition, Convention Center, New York, NY.
Contemporary Japanese Art Created in Other Land, Gallery International 52, New York, NY.
8th Annual Exhibition, Pennsylvania Society of Watercolor of Watercolor Painters, Core B. Miller Gallery, PA.
1st Annual International Miniature Art Exhibition, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
International Group Exhibition, Gallery International 52, New York, NY.
Artista on the Cuttong Edge, Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Fine Art Show, (organized by Carrier Auxiliary) Administration Gallery, NJ.
Benefit Show, Associated American Artist, New York, NY.
Clemson National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Clemson University, Rudolph E. Lee Gallery, SC.
Great Graphics, Gallery International 52, New York, NY.
17th International Biennial of Graphic Art in Ljubljana, Museum of Modern Art, Yugoslavia.
Special Edition, A.A.O. Galleries, Buffalo, NY.
14th International Dogwood Festival Art Show, Atlanta Playhouse Theatre and Georgia Tech Student Center Gallery, GA.
Form the Fart East, with C.J. Yao and John Pai, Souyun Yi Gallery, New York, NY.
32nd CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan.
Japanese Printmakers in New York, Consulate General of Japan, New York, NY.
Ge Kyoto Exhibition, (Organized by Kyoto City Museum), Kyoto, Japan.
The 31st Annual Exhibit of Paintings and Sculpture, Sidney Rothman Gallery, NJ.
12th International Print Biennial, Cracow, Katowice, Poland.
Silk Screen Now, Art Space SAGA, Kyoto, Japan.
33rd CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan.
A Divergent Approach, The Pen and Brush Club, New York, NY.
Works on Paper and Sculpture, Juried by Barbara Haskell at the Whitney Museum of American Art, Clary Miner Gallery, Buffalo, NY.
American Color Print Society National Members’ Exhibition, The Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA.
The Boston Printmakers 41st North American Print Exhibition, The Institute of Boston, Boston, MA.
The International Miniature Print Biennial, John Szoke Gallery, New York, NY. Traveling Exhibition Itinerary, ’89 – ’91.
Man and His Space, Lever House, New York, NY.
5th International Print Biennial Varna, Varna Art Gallery, Bulgaria.
International Exhibition of Artwork on Paper, University Art Galleries, The University of South Dakota, SD; Mind’s Eye Gallery, Dickinson State University, ND.
Greater Midwest International IV, Central Missouri State University Art Center Gallery, MI.
National American Museum Art Show, Lever House, New York, NY.
34th CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo America Club, Tokyo, Japan.
18th International Biennial of Graphic Art in Ljubjana, Museum of Modern Art, Yugoslavia.
Works of Member of Atelier Ponce de Lon, Doma Gallery, New York, NY.
9 Japanese Artists, Port Washington Public Library, NY.
Boston Printmakers Members, Show, Duxbury Art Complex Museum, MA.
4th International Biennial Print Exhibit, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan.
Japanese Cultural Festival, World Trade Center, New York, NY.
35th CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan.
Carrier Fine Art Show, Administration “Gallery,” NJ.
Ge Kyoto Exhibition, Kyoto City Museum Kyoto, Japan.
Audubon Artist 48th Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, New York, NY.
Three New York Artist, D.D. Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan.
2nd Annual Exhibition 9 Japanese Artists Living & Working in New York, The Pen & Brush Club, New York, NY.
Japanese Art After the War, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan
Audoubon Artists 49th Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, New York, NY.
Carrier Fine Art Show, Administration Gallery, NJ.
The 7th International Graphic Exhibition, Gatalina, Italy.
Four New York Artists: Robert Kushner, Daniel Gendron, Chihung Yung, and Masaaki Noda, Seibu Contemporary Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
Concept that Continue, Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL
19th International Biennial of Graphic Art in Ljubjiana, Museum of Modern Art, Yugoslavia.
The New Collections, Yamanashi Prefecture Museum of Art, Yamanashi, Japan.
64th SAGA Natioanl Print Exhibtion, Lever House, New York, NY.
Audubon Artist 50th Annual Exhibition, Lever House, New York, NY.
19th International Dogwood Art Exhibition, GA.
10th Carrier Fine Art Show, Administration Gallery, NJ.
Art Asia, The Emerging Collector, New York, NY.
Aspects of Flowers, Lever House, New York, NY.
Group Show, Tenri Gallery, New York, NY
Man Ray, Tapies, Pomodoro, Masaaki Noda, Galerie Les Cyclades, Antibes, France.
International Art Part 1, Seibu, Tokyo, Japan
Visions in Between, Ise Art Foundation, New York ’93 - ;94 Traveling Exhibition, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan; Walker Hill Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea; Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea; New Trends Gallery, Taiwan; Howard Salon, Taipei, Taiwan; G Zen Art Gallery, Taiwan; Taipei Gallery, New York.
Audubon Artist 51st Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, New York, NY.
65th SAGA National Print Exhibition, New York
“Motion: Wenniger Graphics, Boston, MA
38th CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan
National Juried Exhibition, Juror: Donald Kuspit, Gallery 84, New York, NY.
Boston Printmakers Members Show, Duxbury Art Complex Museum, MA
7th International Print Biennial Varna, Varna Art Gallery, Bulgaria
Small Works Show, Gallery 500, PA.
Theodre Stamos, Jakob Bill, Masaaki Noda, Galerie Les Cyclades, Antibes, France.
Audubon Artist 52nd Annual Exhibition, Natioanl Art Club, New York, NY
The Artists Members, Spring Exhibition, The Gallery At the Market Theatre, Albany, NY.
NICAF Yokohama ‘94, International Contemporary Art Fair, Yokohama, Japan.
Contemporary American Printmakers, Thomas J.Walsh Gallery, CT.
Exhibition from the Collections, Osaka Contemporary Art Center, Osaka
International Triennial of Graphic Art, Bitoa, Republic of Mecedonia
International Print Triennial ‘94, Cracow, Poland.
SAGA, The Northwest Print Council, Union Station, Portland, Oregon.
“Art-Phitheater” Hans Hinterreier, Theadoros Stmos, Masaaki Noda, P. T. Efstathiou Fine Art, New York.
California Meets New York, Haener-kent Gallery, New York, NY.
International Print Exhibition, Adair Margo Gallery, New York, NY.
Western Art Charity, Gallery Hiro, Tokyo, Japan.
Two Point View, Bijutsu Salon, Hanku Dpt., Osaka, Japan (organized by Osaka University of Arts).
Printmaking of the Far East, Municipal Gallery Bielsko-Biala, Poland.
Invitation “8th International Print Biennale-Vaarna ‘95,” Varna, Bulgaria.
Graphic Constellation ‘95, Graz, Australia
Intergraphia ‘94-World Award Winners Gallery, Leuven, Belgium
The 7th International Biennial Print & Drawing Exhibit, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan.
19th National Triennial Print Exhibition, Schenectady Museum, NY.
A Selection of Recent Prints, Lore Degenstein Gallery, PA.
Light in August, John Callahan Gallery, Boston MA.
Group Exhibition, Galerie les Cyclades, Antibes, France.
Audubon Artist 53rd Annual Exhibition, National Art Club, NY.
The 7th Exhibition of Fukuyama Art Project Prayer, Fukuyama Museum of Art Hiroshima, Japan.
East/West Print Exchange Exhibition, Kala Institute, CA; Olive Hyde Art Gallery, CA; Norwork Community Technical College Art Gallery, CT; 479 Gallery, New York, NY.
Art Exhibition of Japanese Artists, Japanese American Association, New York, NY
54th Audubon Artist, Federal Hall, New York, NY.
Jassie’s Benefit Art Show, Ise Art Foundation, New York, NY
4th Biennial of Graphic Art Beograd ’96 International Exhibition, Yugoslavia.
SAGA 65th National Print Exhibition, Federal Plaza, New York, NY.
Japanese Prints and Contemporary Art, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan.
International Print Triennial ’97, Cracow, Poland.
Painting of Fukkuyama, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan.
55th Audubon Artist, The Samagundi Club, New York, NY
International Juried Show, Ne Jersey Center for Visual Arts, NJ.
UNIS Community Art Exhibit, United Nations International School, New York, NY.
The Boston Printmakers Members’ Show, Duxbury Art Complex Museum, Boston.
International Biennial of Small Format Print Leskovas ’97, Yugoslavia Art Gallery “Sunce,” Yugoslvia
Art Exhibition of Japanese Artists, Japanese American Association, New York, NY.
The 66th National Print Exhibition, Nabisco Headquarters Gallery, NJ.
Stockton National Exhibition, The Haggin Museum Stockton, CA.
The Printmaker, Zullo Gallery, Medfield, MA.
SAGA, Krasdale Art Gallery, Bronx, NY.
Surface and Delivery, Housatonic Museum of Art Bridgeport, CT.
5th Annual International Miniature Art Show, Casper, WY.
16th Annual International Juried Show, Rosewell Fine Arts, League, Inc., Rosewell Museum and Art Center.
Washington International Print Fair, John Callahan Gallery, Georgetown, Washington, DC.
20th National Print Exhibition, Schenectady Museum, Schenectady, NY.
22nd National Print Biennial 1998, Silvermine Guild Galleries, Sivermine Guild Arts Center, CT.
Point, Line and Mass, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan.
56th Audubon Artist, The Salmagundi Club, New York, NY.
Artists of Graphic Arts Council of New York, Krasdale Gallery, White Plains, NY.
Art Exhibition of Japanese Artists, Japanese American Association, New York, NY
A Holiday Invitational, Ceres Gallery, New York, NY
Group Show, 70th Art Gallery, New York,, NY.
44th CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan.
Poem of Flower, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan.
SAGA 69th National Member’s Exhibition, Prince Street Gallery, NY.
Proof of 20th Century, Organized by Osaka Museum of Arts, ABC Gallery, 10th International Exhibition Small Graphic Forms, Kiejska Galeria Sztuki, Poland.
Thirty Works by Art Students League of New York Alumni 1965 – 95, Art Student League, New York, NY
White and Black, Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima International Print Biennial Varna ’99, Varna, Bulgaria.
Allen Ginsberg and Friends, Southby’s, New York, NY.
Artist Member’s Small Work Exhibition, The Print Club of Albany, Lulu Gallery, Albany, NY.
Group Exhibition, Studio B Fine Art Gallery, Queens, N.Y.
Williamsburg Bridges Japan, Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, New York.
58th Audubon Artist, The Salma Gundi Club, New York, N.Y.
Art Exhibition of Japanese Artists, Japanese American Association, New York, NY.
Friends with Yoshio Kono, ABC Gallery, Osaka.
1st Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, New Leaf Editions, Vancouver, Canada.
Four Contemporary Artist from Efstathiou Collection, Studio B Gallery, Astoria, New York, May 17-20, 2001.
Seventy-five works by eighteen artists, Krasdale Gallery, New York & White Plain, June 25 – September 24, 2001.
6+6=Prints, Amerasia Bank Exhibition Gallery, Flushing, New York, September 7 – September 18, 2001.
Audebon Artist, Salmagundi Club, September 17 – October 5, 2001.
Rain Forest Exhibition:
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan, August 28 – October 24, 2001.
New York Chinese Cultural Center, New York, November 2 – December 15, 2001.
Las Vegas art Museum, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 17 – March 17, 2001.
The 10th International Biennial Print & Drawing Exhibition, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan, Dec, 2001.
Rain forest Exhibition, Asian Arts & Culture Center, Towson University, MD.
Japanese and Japanese American Artist in New York, JAA, NY.
Transitional Dialogues, Andre zarre Gallery, NYC.
69th National Juried Exhibition, The Art Students League, NYC.
59th Annual Exhibition Audubon artist, The Salmagundi Club, NYC.
“A Century on paper” Print by Art Students League Artists 1901-2001 UBS Paine Webber Gallery, NYC.