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Ellena Galtos

Emmanuel Georgiopoulos, Panagiota Galakatou & others

Emmanuel Georgiopoulos (Tzortzopoulos), Panagiota Galakatou Georgiopoulou & others. Possibly a family group photo from USA.
Panagiota died in Detroit Michigan USA in 1978. Her father was Panagiotis P Galakatos. Brothers included Nikolas & Polychronis Galakatos, who also migrated to USA; they became known as Nick & Paul Peterson.
All three (and their other siblings) were cousins of my grandfather Nikolas K Galakatos.
Ellena Galtos

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George Poulos
on 25.12.2004

Jim Gavriles (USA) informs me the names of the Georgiopoulos (Tzortzopoulos) family in this photograph from left to right are: Byron,Peter,Emmanuel,Panayiota,Gloria,Minas.