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James Gavriles

Family gathering in Athens

A family gathering at my Uncle Peter D. Gavrilis home in Athens, Ampelokipi area.
The lady at far left seated is Pagonitsa Gavriles, my aunt. Lady with white scarf Androniki Lahanas, next to her her husband Gerasimos Lahanas. In the sailors outfit is John Lahanas, brother of Androniki. Lady seated next to Androniki is Chrysi Simos. Behind her is her daughter Stamatia. Next to John is my cousin Tassos Lourandos. Next to him is Hori Sophios, daughter of Costas Pagonis, who is next to her. He is brother of my Aunt Pagonitsa. The man seated seated at far right is my Uncle Peter Gavriles.
Stamatia standing on far right. Her son might be the one standing on far left.

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Anna Castrisios
on 27.08.2005

Correction: the man seated next to Androniki Lahana is not her husband and the man in the sailor suit standing behind is not her brother but her son John Lahanas. My mother Litsa Castrisios (Androniki's second daughter) recognized some of the other people and remembered the following names - from left, standing Anargiros ?, Theodoros ?, Pagona Sofiou, Pagonis Sofios, Hori Sofiou, Tassos Lourandos,.. (Pagonis Sofiou was Pagona's and Hori's father) Anna Castrisios