Giorgos K Frilligou (Frilingos) family, taken in Brisbane 1920
Giorgos K Frilligou (Frilingos) family
This photo was sent to my Great-Grandfather Andreas Tambakis (Potomos) in February 1920. He was living in Pittsburgh PA at the time with his son Cosmas. His wife Eleni PANARETO was still living in Potomos.
On the back of the photo has writting on it: To Agapiton (my dear) Kyrios (Mr.) Theo (uncle) Andreas Tambakis (From the family of) Giorgos K Frilligou (Frilingos)
Does anyone recoginize this family and If so are there any decendants? I would like to know how we are possibly related to one another.
My Great Grandfather's parents were Kosma Tambaki (Areoi) and Chrisanthi KASIMATI (Frilingianika), her parents were Haralambos KASIMATI and Stamata FRILINGOU (Frilingianika).