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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Kirani Chlentzos Katsoulis with grandchildren Manolis & Giorgos Sophios

Kirani Chlentzos Katsouli was the daughter of Efrocene Venardos (1830-1935) and Haralambos Panayiotis Chlentzos, and the sister of my grandmother Marigo Chlentzos Alfieris 1882-1968.

Kirani married Giorgos Katsoulis and hey had 6 children:


1. Arete (1894) who married Dimitris Sofios. They had 3 children; Manoli (the photographer), Zoe, and George.

2. Grigoria (abt 1896) who married Nickolao Georgios Chlentzos. They had 3 children; Anna, Viola, and Kosta.


3. Dimitris (1897) who immigrated to the USA and changed his name to Jim Kastele. He married an American woman, Gertrude Ruth Holladay and they had no children.


4. Pascalia (1899) who married S. Eftimios. They had 3 children: Nick, Andrew, and Maria. (no birth records have been found for her husband or children)


5. Diamanti 1901 (no info)


6. RIgoula  (1903), who married Lambro Panagiotopoulos (Aroni) (abt 1886). They had 3 children; Marina, Anna, and Koula.

When Areti died of the influenza epidemic in 1918, her mother, Kirani, helped raise her children.
Manolis Sophios is renowned for his amazing photographic archives.

I have very little info on the famiies of Grigoria, Pascalia, Diamandi, or RIgoula.
If you have any information on them or their descendants, please contact me.

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