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Kytherian Cultural Exchange

Mary Plessa. Ph.D student at Athens University, under the guidance of Professor George Leontsinis.

Not born on Kythera, nor a descendant of Kytherians, she did her M.A Thesis on the Lazaretto Building, which is situated on the beachfront on the second (the smaller of the two) bays at Kapsali.

View of the Lazaretto Building from offshore

View of the Lazaretto Building from a high vantage point

This building is steeped in history, about which so little is known, by too few Kytherians.

Initially, this architecturally stunning building was a quarantine "station".

It is now owned by French descendants of the engineer, Eiffel.

Professor George Leontsini's' influence in directing talented and intelligent students at Athens University towards the study of Kythera, its history, and its heritage, cannot be underestimated.

Mary's M.A Thesis, is yet another work which needs to be translated into the English language.

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