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Loretta Kassimatis Sword

Stathoula Kassimatis and Family 1936

I was thrilled last week to find this listed as one of the photographs that were restored as part of the Fatseas collection in 2008. Recently my father gave me some old family photos. I had scanned them a week before stumbling across the collection through a link on your website and immediately recognized the photograph.

Approximatley 1936 - Left to Right are Kerani, wife of George Cassimatis, Stathoula Kassimatis, infant Philio, George Cassimatis and his first born child Stella. They were from Fratsia, Kythera.

My grandfather, Peter Kassimatis, (not pictured) another son of Stathoula, emigrated to Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, United States in 1916. This photograph was sent to him by his family. He had sisters, Yanoula, Stamatina, Rosa, Maria and Frosso who spent their lives in Greece. I have a few other photos some of which include the sisters. I'm pretty sure at least one of them was taken by the same photographer. I recognize the same background in many of the other photographs in the Fatseas collection.

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