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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Zafeiria Koroneos Alfieris, and son Angelo Alfieris

Zafeiria Koroneos (1890-1949) married Panayiotis Alfieris (1882-1934) in 1910 in Egypt. They had 8 children, all born in Cairo; Evangelos (pictured above), Margarita, George, Spyros, Stella, Katina, and Demetrios. Margarita, George and Spyros died as infants. Stella and Katina married Englshmen and immigrated to the UK. Demetrios and Evangelos lived in Australia and Greece.
Panayiotis was the son of George Alfieris (1860- ? ) and Spirithoula (Argyri) Alfieris (1855-1927). Panayiotis and his brothers, along with their father went to Alexandria, Egypt in the early 1900's. His brother John Alfieris (1883-1966), immigrated to the USA in 1906. Other Alfieris brothers immigrated to Australia.

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Kythera Connections

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