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John Minchin

Mystery Wedding Group 1920s?

This photo was found in a box in a basement of a house in Potamos. 

None of the people are named.  Is the wedding  in Kythera, Australia, USA? have you seen that distinctive window backdrop in another photograph?

Possibly taken in the 1920s.

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Theo Notaras
on 27.09.2016

Update sure that this is James Sourry and Maria Masselos wedding. Also I think the wedding is in Sydney as it is the same back drop that is in my grand parents Wedding in 1916. Theo Notaras.

Vikki Vrettos Fraioli
on 28.09.2016

Thanks Theo! Can you tell us any more about James Sourry and Maria Masselos and who they might be related to?

Theo Notaras
on 28.09.2016

Maria Masselos was My Grandmothers Sister Erini Tzortzopoulos.Their father was Stavros Dimitri Masselos. There mother was Stamina nee Petrochilos. Other Siblings in Australia were Dimitri,Greg,Markus and Katerina Tzanes . In Greece there was a Helen, Angelique and a Yannis ( died at child birth or soon after ). My feeling is that the rest of the people in the photo could be mostly related to the soury family. Theo Notaras

Barbara Zantiotis
on 08.05.2017

This wedding was definitely in Sydney in 1916. James, born in Gerakari in 1886, was the son of Kosma Panayioti Souris and Efrosini Panaretos. Maria, born in 1897, was the daughter of Stavros Dimitri Masselos and Stamatina Petrochilos. The couple had four daughters and two sons and resided in Uralla, NSW where James was a very successful and respected businessman. James passed away in 1943 with his funeral being one of the biggest at the time. Rev Nikolaides commented that, 'He was a good Greek as well as a good Australian'. Maria passed away in 1967. The best man at this wedding was Charles Andronicus so probably the gentleman to the left of the groom. Man on the extreme left is Sam Sourry then Jack Sourry, brothers of James. The man to the right of the bride is Peter Sourry then Anthony Sourry, brothers of James.