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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Panagiotis Chlentzos wedding records of 1826 and 1841

These are the wedding records of Panayiotis Chlentzos (1799 - ?) discovered and translated by Telemachos Combes.

1826 January 28
Wedding of Panagiotis Chlentzos son of Nicolas Chlentzos -in first marriage - with the daughter of Costantis Paspalas named Athinia and coumbaros was Manolis Marietis and Fotini wife of Jan(nis) Aronis

Nikiforos Ieromonachos Christoforos

Athinia Paspalas died 19-9-1840. Panagiotis remarried in 1841

1841 January 26 - old calendar
Wedding of Panagiotis Chlentzos, son of the late Nicolas with Kerana daughter of the late Panagiotis Zaglanikiss - in second marriage- witnesses were ------(?) Georgopoulos son of Dimitri, Dimitrios Galacatos son of the late Theodore and Lambrini wife of Jani Zaglankiki son of the late Theodore.

Telemachos Combes has accounted for virtually all individuals bearing the family name Chlentzos in the transitional period 1750-1850. During this period the name Chlentzos gradually replaced the original name of Christoforos.

See an account of Telemachos' work here:

Genealogy of the Family Name Chlentzos

Genealogy of the Family Name Christoforos from the Island of Kythera

See also:

The Genealogy of the Greek family name Combis

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