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George Poulos

Triple Taifalos wedding, Silkwood, North Queensland, 1925.

Triple Taifalos wedding at Silkwood, North Queensland, on 29 April, 1925.

Bridal couples, left to right: Michael and Chrissi Taifalos, Thomas and Christine Eustace
(Efstathiou) and John and Flora Taifalos. (Christine Eustace was a sister of Michael
and John.)

Others: Pantelis and Theofania Taifalos (parents of Michael and John Taifalos and
Christine Eustace), John Chrissos, Evangelia Chrissos (sister of Michael, John and
Christine), Savas Taifalos (brother) and his wife Molly, Spiro Taifalos (brother), Jim
Passaris, Nicholas and Sevesta Tsakissiris, Arthur Tsakissiris, Peggy Sakalis, Chrissi
Haratsis, John Katahanas, Mrs Katmadas, Wally Boustead, Bill Boustead, Annie
Boustead, Mrs Howarth, Mrs Edgerton, Mrs Wheatall, George and Ann Tsakissiris,
John and Anastasia Skleros, Mrs Ellis and the McQuillan and Mitchell families.

From Chapter 13 of Denis A Conomos's, The Greeks in Quensland, entitled, Proxenia, Weddings and Familes.

To download Chapter 13, of Denis A Conomos's The Greeks in Queensland


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