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Denis A Conomos

Wedding in 1932 at Townsville of George Kyriakakis (Kirk) and Amigdalia (Magdalene) N. Barbouti.

Wedding in 1932 at Townsville of George Kyriakakis (Kirk) and Amigdalia (Magdalene) N. Barbouti.

Seated: Sylvia Barbouti, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Flower Girl: Evangelia Atherino, Boy left front: Angelo Barboutis

Standing l. to r.: Manuel N. Barboutis, Unknown, Jack N. Barboutis, George Kyriakakis, Maria N. Barbouti, Nicholas Barboutis, Amigdalia Kyriakaki, Unknown, Mrs Mihali Pavlo (Mick Paul), Emmanuel Atherinos, Mick Paul.

From Chapter 13 of Denis A Conomos's, The Greeks in Quensland, entitled, Proxenia, Weddings and Familes.

To download Chapter 13, of Denis A Conomos's The Greeks in Queensland


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