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George Poulos

Wedding of Paul S. Comino and Rodanthi (Rose) Galanis, 1924

Wedding of Paul S. Comino and Rodanthi (Rose) Galanis at Maryborough on 18 June,1924

Front row, l. to r.: Ethel T. Comino, Aphrodite Marcellos, Paul S. Comino, Rose P.Comino, Stratis Galanis (Stan Garland), Unknown

Back row, l. to r.: Child unknown, Theo S. Comino, Manolis Galanis (Manuel Garland),
Unknown in rear, Jim Menegas, Stella Marcellos, Child unknown, John S. Comino,
Stamatina J. Comino, Andrew Blavery, Unknown, Peter Spathis, Korina Spathis (in
front of Peter Spathis), Children in front unknown

From page 235, Chapter 13 of Denis A Conomos's, The Greeks in Quensland, entitled, Proxenia, Weddings and Familes.

To download Chapter 13, of Denis A Conomos's The Greeks in Queensland


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