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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Angleo Chlenztos immigrated to the USA as a young man. He returned to Kythera to find a bride in 1931. He met Stamatoula in October 1931. Following a brief engagement, Angelo Panayiotis Chlentzos (1895-1982) married Stamatoula Coulentianos Mavromati (1906- ) on December 28, 1931. They were married at the church of Agios Vasilis in Christoforianika by Stamatoula's grandfather Fr. Dionisios Coulentianos. A few months after they married, they moved to Oakland, California.
Stamatoula will celetbrate her 100th birthday on November 1, 2006.

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Shirley Jenkins
on 19.05.2006

I showed my mother this photo & she recognised her sister (far right front) Stamatoula Coolentianos Comino. She thinks that she is the little girl in the front far left. Her late brother Dennis is in the front (the taller boy with the hat on)three away from her. Thea Lefcothea (Stamatoula's sister) is standing just behind her sister's right shoulder.

Vikki Vrettos Fraioli
on 26.05.2006

Thank you Shirley! Also, the boy in front holding the candle is Nick Cominos. His sister Sophie is the very little girl with the white coat in the far left.