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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Wedding of Vrettos Alfieris and Marigo Cordato (Theodorakakis)

This is a photo of the wedding of Vrettos Alfieris (1890-1974) to
Marigo Cordato (Theodorakakis).
They married in Dubbo, Australia on August 4, 1922.

Back row standing from left to right:

Anthony Cordato (Theodorakakis), brother of the bride
Jim Cordato (Theodorakakis), brother of the bride
Evangelos Chlentzos (Balos), koumbaro
Stavros Stellio, brother-in-law of the bride
unknown woman
and Kirakos Cordato (Theodorakakis), brother of the bride.

Front row from left to right:

Anthi Cordato (nee Minoucos), wife of Anthony
Fr. Dimitris Marinakis
Vrettos Alfieris & Marigo Theodorakakis
Spiridoula Alfieris (nee Argiris) (1855-1927), mother of the groom
Emmanuel Alfieris, brother of the groom,
and unknown woman

Seated child in the sailor suit is Manual Cordato, son of Anthi and Anthony


Other child unknown

Help identifying others in the photograph would be appreciated.

See also:

Vrettos Alfieris at Agios Theodoros

Vrettos & Marigo Alfieris with Stavroula Gouveri in Potamos

Kythera Connections

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