Wedding Party - Stephen & Anna Zantiotis 1956
Stephen and Anna are my parents. Their marriage took place at Agia Triatha Church, Surry Hills on 19 November 1956. The reception was held at the Australia Hotel.
Left to right - Denis Poulos (Anastasopoulos), George Carydis, Koula Carydis (Cassimatis), Stephen and Kyrani (Anna) Zantiotis, Ekaterini (Katina) Zantiotis (Moulos), Arthur Zantiotis, Peter Zantiotis, Con Poulos.
Lady sitting - Grigoria Carydis (Tambakis) and flower girl, Sylvia Tambakis.
Denis and Con are Anna's brothers. George and Koula are the koumbari. Katina and Peter are Stephen and Arthur's parents.
Grigoria is George's mother. Sylvia's father, Theodore and Grigoria were siblings.