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George Poulos

Bellingen, NSW - Store owned by Kytherian Michael Katsoulas, 1916.

A store owned by Kytherian Michael Katsoulas in Bellingen, NSW, 1916.

No history of this Cafe has been provided.

Can anyone help fill in the history of this Cafe?

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Thanks to Maria Hill, for allowing us to reproduce Kytherian photographs at kythera-island.

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1 Comment

Chris Goopy
on 15.10.2004

Michael Catsoulis & my g.father, Theodore Catsoulis were partners in this store and I think my Papauli sold his half and moved to Aberdeen,NSW,around 1917 or so.Michael had 3 sons with Stella, and my Papauli had 9 children with his wife, Chrisanthe Coroneo, two of whom were born in Bellingen. My Catsoulis family moved to Urunga around 1926. Papauli died there in 1953, my Nona died there also.