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Greek-Australian Cafe Culture

Cathy Calokerinos was speaking to a packed audience

at the formal dinner to celebrate the inception of the Canberra cafe - and the recent renovations completed there.

The dinner was held in the Skylight Restaurant on 30th March, 2013. The dinner began at 7:00 pm.

It was beautifully laid out, and catered for about 140 people. Others were served in the Canberra cafe next door.

Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Sandy Allan.

A special guest was the Mayor Tamworth Regional Council - Col Murray.

Cathy Calokerinos spoke first and thanked everyone for coming (some having travelled large distances) on behalf of the Calokerinos family.

There was a great deal of 'kefi' and 'filotimo' at the venue, and some of the speeches delivered were heart-rendering.

Order of Proceedings:

MC – Sandy Allan
Blessing Father John Macpherson
Welcome – Kathy Calokerinos
Guests that accepted invitation to speak:
• George Poulos
• Bill Cassimattis
• Barbara (local)
• John Kalokerinos
• Viola Kalokerinos
• Jim and Nick Smiles

Response - Paul Calokerinos

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