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Kytherian Association Of Australia

Farewell party for Bishop Nikodimos, 1938

The function was held in the upstairs area of the Sydney Cafe, 735 George Street, which was then owned by Emmanuel Mavromatis, who is depicted in the photograph.

I have numbered the attendees to this function in another photograph. The numbers in this entry refer to the numbers used there.

The function was held in the upstairs area of the Sydney Cafe, 735 George Street, which was then owned by Emmanuel Mavromatis, who is depicted in the photograph.

Now that we have named all of the attendees, can you tell us more about their lives? By some chance, are you a descendant of one or more of the persons in this photograph?

1 Coralie Lianos (Daughter of George, (no 10))

2 Mary Simos, (nee, Panaretos), Paragon Cafe, Katoomba (wife of Zacharias, no 16)

3 Irene Castrissios

4 Ninette Mavromatis (Wife of George, no 21)

5 Theodora Margetis (Wife of Bretos (no 7), and daughter of George, (no 10))

6 Aspasia Sophios (Wife of Nicholas (no 8), and daughter of George, (no 10))

7 Bretos Margetis, founding member, Kytherian Association of Australia. Husband of Theodora (no 5)

8 Nicholas Sophios (Husband od Aspasia, (no 6))

9 Bishop Nikodimos An archimandrite* priest. Upon returning to Greece he was shot and killed by the 'ardutes' during the Second World War.

10 George Lianos (father of Coralie (no1), Theodora (no 5), and Aspasia (no 6)

11 George Cominos, Vice-President of the Kytherian Association of Australia, 1926-1928, and long standing Committee person during the 1930's

12 Peter Aroney (Husband of Mrs Aroney (no 22)

13 Mr Melitas (husband of Mrs Melitas (no 18))

14 Mr Xenedes (husband to Mrs Xenedes (no 20))

15 Arthur Catrissios, Bega (later retired to Manly, Sydney)

16 Zacharios Simos, Paragon Cafe, Katoomba Husband of Mary, (no 2)

17 Elias Bezannes, owner of the Bhema newspaper at the time.

18 Mrs Melitas (wife of Mr Melitas (no 4))

19 Tassia Trefili

20 Mrs Xenedes (Wife to Mr Xenedes (no 14))

21 George Mavromatis, (husband of Ninette (no 4))

22 Mrs Aroney (wife of Peter Aroney (no 12))

23 Chrysanthi Mavromatis (nee, Aroney, wife of Emmanuel)

24 Emmanuel Mavromatis** - owner of the Sydney Cafe, and long standing Treasurer of the Kytherian Association of Australia in the 1920's and 1930's.

* An archimandrite (literally, "chief of a sheepfold") is a celibate priest who has been elevated to an honorific rank, one level lower than bishop.

**Emmanuel Mavromatis (the family name was changed to Mathers), served as the Treasurer of the Kytherain Association for ten years from 1928-1938 - the critical ten years in view of the impact of the impact of the Depression on Australia. He remained on the Committee in 1939-1940, and undertook the role of Treasurer again from 1940-1944. This was a prolonged period of active service on behalf of the Kytherian Brotherhood / Association.

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