Greek Café & Milk Bar Lecture and Afternoon Tea at the Niagara Café at Gundagai
Greek Café & Milk Bar Lecture and Afternoon Tea at the Niagara Café at Gundagai
DATE: Saturday 11th March
TIME: 3 – 4.30 pm
VENUE: 142 Sheridan Street Gundagai
An illustrated lecture by social historian Leonard Janiszewski and documentary photographer Effy Alexakis.
In an Australia we still remember, in each suburb and every country town, was a Greek café or milk bar, open all hours, 7 days a week. Still operating and with original booth seating and fixtures is the Niagara Café in Gundagai. Established around 1902 by Strati Notaras. The Castrission family ran it from 1919 until 1983, it is currently managed by the Loukissas family.
Halfway between Sydney and Melbourne (a 4 hour drive from Sydney), join Effy and Leonard to hear the story of the Greek Café and Milk Bar history of Australia (based on their recent book) at this unique venue. Afternoon tea will be served following the talk. There are many motels in Gundagai if people wish to stay the evening.
COST: $20 (please pay beforehand to reserve your seat, email effy@photowrite.com.au for direct deposit details)