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George Poulos

Gunnedah Museum - Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia, housing a number of Kytherian photographs and artefacts.

Gunnedah Museum - Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia, was created from a disused Water Tower.

From the the nondescript exterior it would be impossible to realise that the interior houses three-storey's of photographs, articles, letters, and other artefacts, pertaining to Gunnedah's history.

It also houses a number of Kytherian photographs and artefacts.

When Ms. Marie Hobson, researched her two articles on Kytherians, published in the:

Namoi Valley Independent.
Gunnedah Publishing Company Pty Ltd
287 Connadilly St.,
Gunnedah. 2380.
NSW. Australia.

02 6742 0455

[email protected],

she obtained photographs for the articles, from the Water Tower Museum.

[Both articles, and all photographs have been reproduced on the kythera-family web-site.]

Water Tower Museum,
Anzac Park

PO Box 244
NSW 2380

02 67402230
02 6742 1184
02 6742 3764
02 6742 1519

The Historical Societies and Museum's of local town's, particularly well organised ones, like this one at Gunnedah, often hold very valuable Kytherian and Greek-Australian, source material

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