Inverell Motor Museum, Inverell NSW Australia
The massive Inverell Motor Museum, which housed the Museum and Galleries Foundation of NSW {see separate entry for details of the Foundation} -"Milkshakes, Sundaes and Cafe Culture" display in 2004. [See other entries in this category - "Cafes and Shops" - by Inverell businessman, and honorary Kytherian Peter Makarthis.]
A PDF format educational kit, about this display is avalaible to download at
This is a very important and useful educational kit - and particularly relevant to all Kytherians.
The Museum is located on a large acreage on the outskirts of the town.
Originally built to house a snack food factory - the venture collapsed, prompting the Local Council to buy the building, and dedicate it as a Museum. This has proved a bonus to the cultural and civic "life" of Inverell.
Situated in North-Western New South Wales, the population of Inverell is c. 10,000, but it draws on a shopping/commercial population of about 30,000 people from neighbouring towns.