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Kytherian 4 Wheel Drive & Recreation Club

Looking across the brikki that boiled the coffee towards a beautiful creek

Campsite at Boxwood, owned by Ozzy, morning of, 31st March, 2013.

Ozzy, and his family are good friends with Paul Calokerinos and his family.

Ozzy was initially attracted to Manilla through his interest in paragliding and hangliding. Most people won't realise that Manilla has some of the best sites for paragliding in the world. The World Championships have been held there. Paragliding sites at Manilla. Ozzy decided to make Manilla his home.

As mentioned in the previous entry Ozzy, and members of his family have a farm , called "Boxwood", which lies 11 kilometres north of Manilla, on the Barraba Road. Amongst other produce, they grow olives there. Ozzy lives in Manilla. James lives in Sydney.

Ossie imported from Italy a wine press, that is housed at the property.

Paul Calokerinos also has a substantial olive grove at Manilla.

When it comes times to press the olives to extract oil, the Turk and the Greek work together, utilising Ozzy's press to perfom this task.

A great story of what can be achieved through cooperation and consilience.

Ozzy allowed 3 members of the 4 Wheel Drive Club - John Tzannes, my cousin John Notaras, and myself - and "ring-in" George Poulos, to camp on his property, in a shed, overlooking a beautiful creek, and a rocky outcrop. The four campers drove out to the property at the end of the Canberra Cafe panayiri.

That was a very interesting night.

Thanks Ozzy.

My cousin John and I undertook a 5 day K4WD Trip to Bingara and Manilla. from 28th March until 1st April, 2013.

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