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George Poulos

Memorial to Mr and Mrs E J Vanges. Nyngan, NSW.

The inscription reads, Vanges Park, In memory of Mr and Mrs E J Vanges. And their untiring work for Nyngan and District.

Jack Vanges was born in Kythera on the 17th January, 1913. He came to Nyngan when only about 16 years old. He worked at the California Cafe for Mr Nicholas Crethar for many years, eventually acquiring ownership of the Cafe himself.

Jack applied himself diligently to his business, in which he was very successful, but as the years passed and he was in a position to do so, he took an interest in community affairs. One of his interests was the revival of cycling as a sport in Nyngan, which is described elsewhere.

In 1941, Jack Vanges married Miss Bonnie Coroneos, of Scone, at the Greek Holy Trinity Church, in Sydney, and from then on they worked together. In due course, their daughters, Lillian and Helen, assisted them, particularly in the shoe shop which they established in the premises now occupied by Mr Noel Lennon.

In the early 1960s Jack bought the old Court House Hotel, and having disposed of his Cafe business to the Stathis Brothers, he proceeded to convert the hotel building to flats and offices, which are now known as Vanges Buildings.

It was during this time that Jack Vanges was elected to the Municipal Council. He was Mayor of Nyngan for some years, during which time he did not accept his Mayoral Allowance, directing that it be used for the purchase of trees for planting in the streets, These trees are now a source of delight, an inspiration to the people of Nyngan.

....In the area near the Railway Station in Nyngan, known as Vanges Park the Bogan Shire Council have erected a monument and plaque in memory of Mr and Mrs Jack Vanges.

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