Nyngan Museum, and Vanges Park. Nyngan, NSW.
Photograph showing the relationship between the Vanges Park, and the Nyngan Museum.
For a close-up photograph of the Vanges memorial, see the next entry in this section. It lies directly behind the clock tower to the left in this photograph. The park continues further on to the left.
The park is well maintained with an attractive treescape. A perpetual tribute to Jack Vanges and family.
Nyngan's most famous Kytherian son was Evangalos Jack Vanges. Jack was born in Kythera on the 17th January, 1913. He came to Nyngan when only about 16 years old. He worked at the California Cafe for Mr Nicholas Crethar for many years, eventually acquiring ownership of the Cafe himself. After working in the Cafe for many decades, he on-sold it to the Stathis family.
In the early 1960s Jack bought the old Court House Hotel, and he proceeded to convert the hotel building to flats and offices, which are now known as Vanges Buildings.
It was during this time that Jack Vanges was elected to the Municipal Council. He was Mayor of Nyngan for some years, during which time he did not accept his Mayoral Allowance, directing that it be used for the purchase of trees for planting in the streets, These trees are now a source of delight, an inspiration to the people of town, and a memorial to him.
To read more of Jack's life history see People, subsection, High Achievers, or use the internal search engine under Vanges, or Nyngan.