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Australian Broadcasting Corporation

One for those with a sweet tooth

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From, the South Coast drive program:

29/10/2009 , 10:16 AM by Brad McCahon


Marshmallows, licorice, toffees or sherbert. Just about all of us have a weakness when it comes to lollies but Toni Risson has taken a sweet obsession to another level.

Toni has become extremely interested in the cultural history of confectionary in Australia and some time ago made it the focus of her Phd Research.

Lollies are truly fascinating and they are certainly a source of comfort and Toni has discovered consumption of confectionary goes up during difficult times such as the Depression and after the attack on the World Trade Center Towers.

Toni spoke about her research with Eoin Cameron who found himself reflecting on some of the sweet treats he grew up with.

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