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Kiriaki Orfanos

Pictures from the Exhibition. New York Cafe with staff.

Pictures from the Exhibition. New York Cafe with staff.

New York Cafe. 2.2.
The man in the white apron was 'Big Nick' Aroney, and the man in the white trousers was his brother-in-law, Les Kepreotis.
Big Nick and his cousin, Little Nick Aroney built the New York Cafe in 1930.
Les Kepreotis was married to Big Nick's sister and he worked in the New York Cafe also.
Unfortunately we don't know who the women and the other man were.
The New York Cafe was sold to the Castrissios brothers in 1937 and subsequently sold to Sam Vlandys and Theodore Mavromattes in about 1942. George Simos bought into the cafe, probably when Sam sold out.
The New York Cafe was built by Kytherians and owned by Kytherians until 1978 when a group of local businessmen invested in the business. The era of the Greek country cafe was coming to an end.

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