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Peter Makarthis

Roxy Theatre Glen Innes to be demolished

This iconic theatre at Glen Innes has been destined for demolition by Glen Innes Council. The Roxy was operated by Kytherians 1930's.

Maccas, Roxy D-day
22/07/2008 8:46:00 AM
After months of delay and heated community debate the fate of the former Roxy Theatre and a planned McDonalds restaurant to replace it, will be decided this Thursday.
At its July meeting, Glen Innes Severn Council will consider four development applications pertaining to the development - firstly one to demolish the Roxy building, then if approved, subsequent consolidation and subdivision of lots on the site,thirdly, approval to construct a McDonalds family restaurant, and fourth, a Woolworths Fuel Plus service station on adjoining land on the corner of Meade and Church Streets.

A detailed report prepared by independent assessor GeoLINK contains, for a third time, the recommendation that council not approve the demolition of the Roxy on heritage grounds, both in terms of the building itself and the precinct. This echoes the recommendation made last September by acting town planner Keiley Hunter. GeoLINK’s recommendation is based on the grounds that the building is a heritage listed item as well as the statement of heritage impact prepared by Hill Lockart Architects and Glen Innes Severn Council’s heritage advisor Graham Wilson, and supported by the NSW Heritage Office.

However the report does contain conditions of approval if council resolves to ignore the recommendation and consent demolition of the building. Conditions include manually and photographically recording the building by a specialist consultant employed by the applicant, Hill Lockart Architects, for council records, and the construction of a monument to be sited in the restaurant’s forecourt facing Meade St, which will depict, in etched holograph form, the facade of the Roxy building and and a written history about it.

The decision will likely bring to a close community debate in which council received more than 51 public submissions, 44 objecting to the demolition of the Roxy Theatre and seven supported the proposal. In addition to the submissions a petition of 377 signatures supporting the proposal were received by council in September.

The majority of submissions received expressed support for a McDonalds family restaurant but did not support the demolition of the Roxy Theatre. Key to concerns were the possibility of re-using the building for the restaurant- something the developer claims is not possible due to the need for a drive-thru facility along the current western boundary. The development applications will be considered in the order of the proposal to demolish the Roxy Theatre Building, the consolidation and subdivision of each of the lots on the site, application to build a McDonalds Family Restaurant and proposal to build a Woolworths/Caltex service station on the vacant lot, with the consideration of each, dependant on the outcome of the one before it.

From the Glen Innes Examiner

Peter M

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