Speech by the Mayor of Gwydir Shire Council, John Coulton
..... at the 75th Anniversary celebrations of the Roxy Theatre, Cafe, and Museum, Bingara, New South Wales.
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our guests, whi have gathered here today for this celebration.
And I acknowledge the presence among us of the following distinguished guests.
Senator John Williams, National Senator
Mr Richard Torbay
Tania Chamber, Chief Executive of Screen NSW
John Wearne AM, President of the North West Theatre Company
Dr Victor Kepreotis, President of the Kytherian Association of Australia
Mr Angelo Crones, member of the Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust
Cr Barry Johnston OAM, Mayor, Inverell Shire Council
Mr Peter Prineas, Author of the definitive history of The Roxy “Katsehamos and the Great Idea”
Mrs Mari Metzke, Manager, Royal Australian Historical Society
Mrs Toni Risson, author, Aphrodite and the Mixed Grill
Mrs Nina Conomos, Senior Curriculum Adviser, Community Languages, Department of Education NSW
It is a wonderful to see the Hon. Bob Carr here. His presence is very significant. Mr Carr performed the official opening in 2004 and his personal patronage of the refurbishment of The Roxy whilst Premier was instrumental in the realization of the restoration of The Roxy Theatre. It is also lovely to see Mrs Carr here again.
I would also like to acknowledge the amazing foresight shown by the Bingara Council when they took the first step in purchasing The Roxy Theatre and restoring it.
The Roxy was built by three Greek immigrants from the island of Kythera. Today it is a symbol that epitomizes the Greek migration experience: one that made an outstanding contribution to the development of Australia.
Greek cafés changed the course of Australia’s cultural history and left a significant legacy on our culinary and cultural landscape.
In his PHD thesis Kevin Cork advised us that: "If we are to remember these Greeks for their contributions to Australia's social, architectural and technological advancement, then it is imperative that there be Greek landmarks which are acknowledged at local and state level - ones that point to the achievements of the Greek-Australian cinema exhibitors... We cannot allow their histories to be forgotten, not when they provided services that positively affected millions of people, firstly, through their refreshment rooms and, secondly, through their picture theatres."
This is the intention of the Gwydir Shire Council. The Roxy will become a place of national significance that conserves and protects the important cultural associations between people and place. It will provide opportunities for the celebration of Greek traditions that became embedded in Australia.
We are deeply indebted to many governments, institutions, and people. Among them:
The Federal Government for the grant of $750, 000 for the restoration of The Roxy café back to its original splendour.
The Roxy is a fitting memorial and living monument to the life and work of Hellenes and Kytherians in Australia. The Roxy is destined to become a sacred site and pilgrimage destination for Hellenes and Kytherians in Australia and the rest of the world.
The Kytherian Association of Australia
We are particulary honoured to welcome Dr Victor Kepreotis, the President of the Kytherian Association of Australia, together with a number of his committee members including Mr George Vardas; Mr George Poulos; Mr Theo Poulos; Mr Michael Mallos; Mr Angelo Andrew
The Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust
It gives me great pleasure to welcome Mr Angelo Crones from the Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust and to have this opportunity to thank the Trust for their generous contribution towards the Museum.
Nicholas Anthony Aroney, born in Kythera, migrated to Australia where he became a café proprietor and property investor. In his will he stipulated that a Trust be established in his name and bequeathed a substantial legacy to be applied to the preservation and enhancement of Hellenic and Kytherian language, religion and culture in perpetuity.
Since the Trust was inaugurated in 1988 it has been highly effective in funding high quality projects such as The Roxy Museum which was the recipient of $25,000 towards its development.
The Roxy Museum will become a place of national and international significance that collects, conserves and protects the important cultural associations between people and place.
The wider Kytherian and Hellenic community.
We are particularly delighted to see so many friends of Greek descent here. We are proud to have formally established a sister-city relationship with Kythera.
Heritage Branch, Department of Planning NSW
The most recent grant that the Gwydir Shire Council has been fortunate to receive will go towards the restoration of the etched glass on the façade of the café. We have been informed that this is an exquisite example of this type of work, one that is highly significant and extremely rare. We are very pleased that the Director of the Heritage Branch NSW, Petula Samios is here this evening, and take this opportunity to thank the Department for their generous assistance.
Royal Australian Historical Society
We thank the Society for their contribution, interest and support and are pleased that the Manager of the Society, Mrs Mari Metzke is here with us this evening.
I would also like to make the following Presentations:
There are many people who were instrumental in the restoration of The Roxy Café.
I invite the architects from Magoffin and Deakin to come up on the stage, and would like to make a presentation to:
Tony Deakin OAM, Michael McPhillips and David Huntley
I also invites the builders from Dominico Blue Building to come up on the stage, to accept this presentation:
Tim Russell, John Layton, Phil Poulsen
Unfortunately Doug Dunlop was not able to be here this evening.
I have further thank you's to deliver for donations to the Cafe and Museum:
There are a number of private benefactors whose contribution to the restoration project was significant. They include:
George & Lorraine Poulos. George was a member of The Roxy Café Project Restoration Committee
James, Peter, Manuel Aroney and families for restoring the original Peters and Co neon sign.
Others whose contribution is to be applauded include Mr and Mrs Bob Kirk, Mr Nick Politis, Ms Carolyn Rose, Mr Con Fardouly and Ms Dorothy Fardouly, Mr Gordon Fletcher, Mr and Mrs Peter Gianneas and Mr David Inman
Additionally I would like to thank the staff of the Gwydir Shire Council who worked tirelessly to make the event this weekend such a success
The indispensible Martin Hansford of Wombat Tracks Audio, for his professionalism, enthusiasm and extraordinary commitment to The Roxy
The Roxy volunteers, without whose invaluable contribution we would not be able to open the doors. We thank them for their dedication and their tireless efforts in ensuring that every event held at The Roxy is a success.
Thank you all very much.