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George Poulos

The Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW (MGF) -

The Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW (MGF) staged the -"Milkshakes, Sundaes and Cafe Culture" exhibition in various venues around New South Wales, Australia, in 2003-2004.

The photo above was taken at the Inverell Motor Museum exhibition, Inverell, NSW, in April 2004.

The woman standing in front of the display is Angelique(nee, Mitchell/Michaletos) Papadopoulos. She now lives in Wollongong, NSW.

Angelique was bought up in Inverell. Her father Steve (Stavros) Mitchell came to Australia c. 1922 from Neapolis. In 1933 he moved to Inverell, and established the Black and Green Bar in Otho Street.

The malt dispenser in the background is from the Black and Green Bar, and Angelique can recall using it to make "malted milkshakes", from the time she was old enough to serve in the cafe.

In the frame in the background is a pie bag from the Black and Green Bar.

A takeaway operates today (2004) on the corner where the Black and Green Bar used to operate.

The Greek Flag in the background, was sewn by Deanna Makarthis's (nee Psaros) mother.

Deanna's Mothers Maiden name was Phacheas (Fatseas).
Deanna's mother was Calliope Phacheas, born 1908, at Kurri Kurri NSW - her father was George Phacheas, and mother Sophia (nee, Defteron).

George arrived Australia 1901, and with brother Peter Phacheas and a nephew Alexander, settled in West Maitland. George returned to Smyrna 1904 and married Sophia Defteron, returning the same year. They established an oyster saloon in the newly ermerging town of Kurri Kurri, NSW, remaining there until c 1920, when they moved to 23 Renwick St Redfern - only about 100 metres from the Cathederal in Cleveland Street.

Only a small number of Fatseas's used the Phacheas translation, and are closely related. This name has been lost in Eastern Australia due to a lineage of daughters, and only a small group remain in Western Australia, which have evolved to Phaceas. [Information, Peter "Skoudladris" Makarthis, Inverell, Deanna's husband.]

For Information about the Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW (MGF)



The Vision

A confident, dynamic and sustainable network of museums and galleries which contributes to the economic, social and cultural life of NSW.

Our Mission

To support the strategic position and relevance of museums and galleries


The Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW (MGF) was established in 1999 as the key service agency throughout NSW for the museum and gallery sector.

We support the work of museums, galleries, Keeping Places, contemporary art and craft spaces and artist-run galleries throughout NSW, in both regional and metropolitan areas.

MGF works with local, state and federal governments, tourism bodies, educational, arts and cultural organisations to promote the importance of museums and galleries to the community and ensure that the sector is aware of changing needs.

For the latest MGF news click on the following link, What's New,


For information pertaining to the services MGF provides click on the following link.


OVERVIEW 2003-2005

The MGF has developed a fully integrated approach for the next three years embracing:

Research - to develop sound data to inform activities and create appropriate services and fuel advocacy
Development activities - to provide training and professional development, programs which promote standards and to offer services such as the MGF-NETS touring exhibition service and
A program to foster sector connection - to broker stronger relationships within the sector and between the sector and government, particularly local government.
To achieve this we will focus on:

Best practice programs to raise standards
Access and audience development - ensuring community relevance and
Advocacy - raising awareness of sector value.

Advice and Information

MGF offers advice and news on every aspect of museum and gallery work. For staff contact details refer to the last two pages of this document.

Advocacy and Research

MGF is continuing its strong program of research and planning to increase its advocacy activities in 2003. MGF has contributed and responded to a number of key reports related to the sector and its activities. Submissions and responses to the Report of the Inquiry into the Contemporary Visual Arts and Craft Sector and the report into the Future of the Heritage Collections Council among others have been lodged. Recent research projects have included Who Owns Museums (a survey covering issues related to museum collections management and ownership by Virginia Hollister), and research into gallery directors’ positions within local councils conducted by Peta Landman. Research and advocacy priorities for 2003 include volunteer succession, the significance of and valuing museum collections, promoting museums and galleries to the public and to local government.

Advisory Committees

MGF seeks specialist advice from a number of committees comprising representatives and specialists in the sector. These include: The Volunteer Reference Committee, NETS Advisory Committee, Programs Reference Committee, Access Reference Group and Pilot Accreditation Committee.


Who to Contact

Museums and Galleries Foundations of NSW
43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 AUSTRALIA
Telephone: +612 9358 1760,
Facsimile: +612 9358 1852,
Freecall 1800 114 311 (regional NSW)
email: [email protected]


MGF receives core funding from the NSW Government through the Ministry for the Arts, with additional funding from project grants.

The Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW is assisted by the Commonwealth Government of Australia.

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