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Jim Comino

Theo Comino [Palavras] theatre Bellingen NSW

Photo of Theo,s Picture Theatre in Bellingen, it was here he met and married Hazel and had Martina and Maria.
He also broke away from the Partnership of Comino Bros Wee Waa. In those days it was not nice for Australians to marry Greeks and visa versa and went to Moree into a partnership of sorts with a Mr Poterios, in the Hollywood Cafe which was caught up in the depression and Theo went out of business hoofing it around the Northwest working where he could get work in Warialda ,Bingara, and Inverel ,it was here I,ve found a paper in the Inverel Times Archives where Theo was in a fire at the IXL Cafe while sleeping there and was pulle dfrom the building nearly deing from smoke inhalation while trying to save a Mr Castrisos, who had already slid down a grapevine unbeknown to Theo. He joined the RAAF in Warialda and was shipped off to New Guinea.
Returning home to go th Merriwa into the Merriwa Cafe.
This Cafe was sold by Peter George and was demolished and a park now stands where it stood.

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Jim Comino
on 26.11.2006

Theo worked the cafe at Merriwa till about 1968 and sold the business to Peter George who onsold the business untill the building was demolished in the 1980,s. While in Merriwa Theo also was involed in cattle ,sheep, and wheat farming on his 1500 acre block 15 klms on the Scone side of Merriwa. 5 klms of main road run through the property.