A Turkish kebab vendor has set up in a mobile van in the main street of Cobar.
{In an empty block, in the main street, next to the St Vincent de Paul shop.}
He lives in the house next to the van, (visible in the background).
Originally from Stathfield in Sydney, he moved to Cobar in 2004.
He operates the van Thursday-Sunday from late afternoon - "to late".
He is very friendly. When I introduced myself to him, he said: "Greeks....Turks...we are the same."
On the evening I took the picture he was extremely busy. Cobar residents see the "kebab" - as a quick way of preparing the evening meal.
The story struck me because it points to the manner in which successive waves of immigrants to Australia enter the retail trade, take risks, and make decisions about their future.
The Khans operate the large IGA supermarket in Cobar.
No Greeks/Kytherians operate a food store of any type in Cobar any more - nor have they done so for many decades. It is a sign of the times.